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Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts and Conference Posters

Below is a list of peer-reviewed manuscripts and conference posters authored by Labcorp’s dedicated team of oncologists, pathologists and scientists. The list is organized by date, with the most recent materials appearing at the top of the page.

Items with an asterisk (*) denote footnote/disclaimer, which can be found at the bottom of this page.

Li Cai, Carrie Wilson, Stephani Tuck, Maryann Stanley, Scott Hood, Marcia Eisenberg, Lauren Kam-Morgan
Event: AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology)
Li Cai, Scott Hood, Maryann Stanley, Dylan Rutledge, Jordan Riojas, Carissa Best, Marcia Eisenberg, Lauren Kam-Morgan
Event: AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology)
Andrea L. Penton,Stuart Schwartz, Jim Tepperberg, Peter Papenhausen
Event: AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology)
S. Schwartz, H. Dong, R. Thomason, P. Papenhausen
Event: AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology)
Afshan Idrees, MD, Rohit Sharma, MD, Lynh Nguyen, MD; Manuel Menes, MD; Peter Papenhausen, PhD; Kenian Liu, PhD; Ling Zhang, MD
Event: AMP (Association for Molecular Pathology)
Renata Duchnowska, Weidong Huang, Gerald Wallweber, Jeff Sperinde, Tomasz Trojanowski, Tomasz Mandat, Anna Kowalczyk , Bogumiła Czartoryska Arłukowicz, Barbara Radecka, Bozena Jarosz , Wojciech Biernat, Jacek Jassem
Event: CAP (College of American Pathologists)
Gloria T. Haskell PhD FACMG, Caron Glotzbach, Angela P. Sanders-Cliette, MD, Maria Gallego Attis, MD, Candace N. Spann, Stuart Schwartz, PhD FACMG, Jim Tepperberg, PhD, FACMG
Event: 10th Annual CGC Meeting