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Kelly Y. Chun, PhD

Vice President, LabCorp; Discipline Director, Esoteric Immunology, Labcorp

Dr Kelly Chun is vice president and scientific director of Esoterix/Endocrine Sciences, a Labcorp specialty laboratory. With over 20 years of protein science and assay development experience, Dr Chun oversees a complex, high-throughput endocrine reference laboratory while leading research and development activities.

Since joining Esoterix in 2002, she has developed numerous pivotal endocrine and autoimmune assays for use in both clinical diagnostics and pharmaceutical trials. She is the author of original articles and book chapters with a focus on endocrinology, gastroenterology, and immunogenicity. Dr Chun received her PhD in biochemistry from the Medical College of Wisconsin and completed her post-doctoral fellowship in laboratory medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She is a member of the Endocrine Society, American Diabetes Association, and the American Association of Clinical Chemistry.


  1. Serum ustekinumab and corresponding anti-ustekinumab antibody: Analysis of over 2000 patient results using lab developed chemiluminescent immunoassays (ECLIA)
  2. Correlation of capillary and venous plasma measurements of anti-mĂĽllerian hormone
  3. Analysis of over 24,000 aldosterone to renin ratio for screening hypertensive patients for primary aldosteronism
  4. Analysis of concomitant AMH and testosterone results in 3213 female samples: Contrary to common belief, AMH and testosterone levels are not elevated in tandem in most women
  5. Comparison of ustekinumab concentration assays and antibodies-to-ustekinumab assays
  6. Serum infliximab and corresponding anti-infliximab antibody: Analysis of over 30,000 patient results using lab developed chemiluminescent immunoassays
  7. Serum adalimumab and corresponding anti-adalimumab antibody: Analysis of over 20,000 patient results using lab developed chemiluminescent immunoassays
  8. Analysis of serum vedolizumab concentrations in over 800 patient samples: Distribution of drug and anti-drug Ab levels and serial measurement trends
  9. Therapeutic drug monitoring of the biosimilar SB2 (RENFLEXIS™, infliximab-abda) using Labcorp infliximab assays for drug level and anti-drug antibodies
  10. The relationship between serum infliximab and adalimumab concentrations and their corresponding anti-drug antibody levels: Analysis of over 50,000 patient results using lab developed chemiluminescent immunoassays
  11. Biotin interference in diagnostic tests